
Trivial Pursuit

We've only played the game once or twice since we came back from Hawaii and I found this version at the Value Village for $1.99 with all the pieces and even the instructions. I think, lifetime, this has to be my all-time favorite game. We used to play it even when I was a kid and couldn't hope to know very many of the answers. I can't remember if my parents had any "house rules" or not. We have one. You can get up to three questions asked on a turn if the question/answer combo is something so irrelevant now that no one under the age of 55 would know it. It's not for simple guessing questions like "How many wings does a fly have?" or anything like "Which countries were our allies during WWII?". It's for questions like, "Who is Howdy Doody's brother?" (it's Double Doody). Of course it's a bit subjective but when you turn the card over and it says something like "Mitchell Brown" (DUH) it's a safe bet that you weren't supposed to know it. We've been having fun playing, as long as we don't do it too often. The wine helps too. Tonight I won two games in a row. The first one was a record short 1 hour.

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