
Three House Pictures - Scroll Down

Pillows, looking shlumpy in the sunlight.D300_DSC_0128_web400

Our "dining room" table, in use. This is a wonderful gateleg table so most of the time it is all folded up and tucked into the wall to save space. When we need it, it becomes our dining room. In this photo, things you can see are:
- Our front door
- The sign I made for our wedding that says "J and M's place, come on in"
- Two mismatched chairs that I love
- A rack with a million keys and a sentimental rubber fish
- The wine-barfing-chicken from our honeymoon
- The three pears from Shasta
- And an original painting of a 40 of OE, by Mrs. Cyclone, trust me, it went along with this.


The prettiest pile of dirty dishes you've ever seen. A chore I hate to do is to unload the clean dishes from the dishwasher and put them away. Scrubbing a bacon-greased pan for days to get it back to clean? Yes please! Putting away things that are already clean? No, thank you! So, while I wait for the clean-dish-fairy to come and unload the dishwasher, I am making a very organized pile of the next batch to go in. I was reading on a blog today a sentence that inspires me, "I often end up gazing adoringly at my washing up."


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