

DSC_2384_webI took this photograph today in the style of one of my friends - as a tribute to her. This isn't my typical shot, although it may become so after a fall with misty raindrops on everything!

Apparently, while we were away, fall came to Seattle. The weather has been totally different since we returned than it was all summer. It's been gray in the mornings when we wake up, with fog too, but then usually it burns off later in the afternoon. It is cool in the evenings now. While we were out walking yesterday, we heard a guy complaining that it was "F$&%ing COLD!". We both agreed that it was NO WHERE NEAR F-word deserving cold (Hello, Boston!) and that the most vehement thing we could say about it would be "Oh, goodness, it's a little chilly." or, "My, perhaps I should wear a light jacket."


anzioj said...

A tad nippy, I suppose...

Manassas Mom said...

This is beautiful!! Love it!

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