
Crappy D Portrait

20070802_1024_webI let Peter take this picture of me with Crappy D in order to illustrate how crappy Crappy D is. I am amazed I am actually located within the frame of the photo. It took a bit of photoshop work though to get it to look like this. Crappy D thinks my eyes are "devil red" and the Photoshop red-eye tool turns "devil red" into "grass green".

Oh yeah, this was taken at the pub Red Door. It was a very lovely pub earlier this week when we had dinner with my friend Debbie on Tuesday night. Tonight though, Thursday night, it was less lovely. J's blog describes it acurately. We didn't get to meet any of the new people we went there to meet and I couldn't (and probably never will) eat the Turkey sandwich because the menu described the Turkey as "premi-yum". That just doesn't sound so good to me.

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