
Pizza FAIL

I had a brilliant idea that we should attempt to cook pizza on this camping trip. We are really good at cooking it at home and the simple ingredients lend themselves to easy camping packing. Unfortunately, camping pizza was an epic FAIL. The cheese on top refused to melt despite sitting on a hot fire. I even tried to melt it by waving a large hot coal over top of it. I suggested we just let it sit there until it decided to melt (because it seemed inevitable) but J thought the bottom was burning and we should take it off. As you can see, it didn't work. Michelle and J sampled some of the pizza carnage but no one really had pizza for dinner. Instead, I had three smores for dinner.

It was a good idea in theory, but we didn't have some essential skill needed to make it work. I am not sure if we will try this again or not. But I enjoyed shouting out "Pizza FAIL" while we tried to cook it.

Earlier in the day, I went on a very lovely long bike ride and then on a very nice long walk with J.

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