
Toast Pillow!!

Today the awesomest thing ever happened. Michelle spontaneously invited me to go to the Urban Craft Uprising. I said, "sure!", but didn't plan on buying much in my current state of minimalism. It's a huge craft fair in the Seattle Center so it's like going into a school auditorium filled with craft booths...times 1000!

When we arrived I said to Todd, "Let me know if you happen to spot a booth called Wunder Thunder!" We browsed around for a few hours and as we were nearing the end, Michelle tapped me on the shoulder and said, "I think you'd like that toast pillow over there!"

I turned and (probably) exclaimed something and then (possibly) shoved some old ladies and pregnant women out of my way because nothing gets between me and my mega-quest for THE TOAST PILLOW!!! I had seen this pillow a year or two ago and had always loved it but I was in hardcore purge mode and it was a little pricey so I always passed it up. But I couldn't stop thinking about it!

And just a few weeks ago I went looking for it again since my mom had asked me for one more small item to add to my Christmas list. Sadly, when I researched the Toast Pillow...I found out that it had been discontinued despite a cult following and there would be no more made. :( I don't have to tell you what my face looked like when I read that (see above).

So, you can understand why I basically screamed, ran to the Toast Pillow, grabbed it, handed the Wunder Thunder people my credit card, and then jumped up and down like a crazy person shouting "Oh my god, oh my god,oh my god, TOAST PILLLOW!" for the next 5 minutes. They thought I was insane, Michelle probably thought I was having some sort of seizure, but well...when the stars align to bring me something adorable that I thought was impossible...you know me.

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