
Nothing to do with this photo

B_DSC_2797_webSome other interesting things that happened this week (that have nothing to do with this photo) are:

- We had to, for the first time since moving here, finally shut the windows because it's getting a bit too chilly.
- J started playing guitar again.
- I completely, inexplicably, lost a sandwich somewhere?! in the house?! the car?! How do you lose a sandwich? We will find it when the flies show up, I guess.
- J made the best pancakes I have ever had this morning.
- We are making a roast tonight that I expect to be delicious.

Also, I have to share this weird dream I had (NOW this is starting to be a real blog):

I dreamt that our new upstairs neighbors threw a big party (to which we were not invited) and only told us 1 hour before it was happening and then were like “Oh, btw, we may need to borrow some stuff and/or use some of your space.” Before I knew it, a bunch of strangers were pouring into my house from upstairs to look in all our rooms and rummage through my personal stuff. They acted like we were the servants for the party and kept demanding weird things like a specific type of pen (asked for in French). They also put wet things down on all my wood tables and got food everywhere. I kept trying to hang up a PRIVATE sign but I would come back, it would be gone, and they would be rifling through my toiletries. The entire time I was dealing with this, J was on the phone with a credit card company trying to get a new credit card.

Now what does that mean?

I am sure I will think of some other stuff as soon as I walk away from my computer...

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