

B_DSC_1438_webI pottered down the coast the rest of the afternoon to the point of realizing the sun was going down and I was still more than an hour away from my destination. There weren't any good photographs of sunsets over the seas but I was intrigued by these wildflowers in the setting sun being blown about in the wind.

I had to hightail it down the 101 to get to the cabin before dark. I didn't make it in time - the road got very dark and twisty and turny - but I finally made it there safe and sound and was glad to be out of the car. I drove 370 miles in 9 hours of driving - 14 hours since I left the house in the morning. M and T teased me, "Aren't you glad you drove 14 hours to avoid driving 6 (on the interstate)?" and yes, I am glad I did.

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