

B_DSC_0914_webThe cartoons may appear unsympathetic to a poor, injured, J. But, after months of telling him to "ICE YOUR DAMN LEG" and/or "Maybe you should get it checked out" after EVERY SINGLE run when he complained about the pain...my sympathies have worn down a little bit. I have spent the time wracking my brain for ways to gently explain how/why/who/what/where/when icing any sore part on your body is so wonderfully helpful. I have run a lot, read about running a lot, talked about running a lot, and (oh by the way) run the marathon*...so you'd think he'd'a listened!

This is much later in the day, when for an unknown reason, he finally succumbed to my nagging and iced his damn leg!

*Yeah, this is one you get to pull out for special occasions when you need it...

p.s. If you'll go back to my previous post, I think you'll find both the couch and J's outfit very realistic!

1 comment:

anzioj said...

Hey, I'm listening now, aren't I?

That reminds me, I should go ice my leg...

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