
Carbon Leaf

CIMG3684_blipThis is my point and shoot's artistic interpretation of the Carbon Leaf concert we went to on Saturday night. Crappy D actually took better pictures of this concert so check out J's blog. Carbon Leaf is my current favorite band and it's a folksy/irishy/rock band. There's an accordion, the lead singer also plays the flute and the piccolo (and not in Jethro Tull style) and you can understand all the heart-felt lyrics. The closest comparison we could come up with was a more rocking Guster.

It was raining, but we went to the concert anyway, which is the first hurdle to overcome in learning to live in Seattle - you do whatever you were going to do had it not been raining! We picnicked in the car until the concert was about to start and by then the rain was the kind that you can see in the air but that never actually reaches you and makes you wet.

This was a very civilized concert! The theme was that it was the first "carbon neutral" concert in King County and it had booths featuring info on recycling, composting, making your own "worm bin" and reducing your electric and water usage. Very cool! It also had a gourmet beer and wine garden and a Tully's booth. It was a cute little venue and wasn't at all crowded. We had good seats, and this was J's first time being at a concert that wasn't from the mosh pit. Indeed, there was no mosh pit! It was a little weird that no one stood up to dance or clap - people just sat there - and that we were definitely in the younger half of the crowd. It was still a lot of fun, the band was really good (yeah, Virginia boys!)

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