

Shot while driving the car. But, at least I am keeping the streak alive!



Biggest hail I've ever seen personally. The weather has been completely insane. Every ten minutes it alternates from nice sunshine to terrible hail, rain, thunder storms, etc. I know I know, exciting blip.

Telephone, Old School

Did anyone miss me?! OMG, praise Jesus, Lightroom and some other geniuses have made it so I can upload to the blog and create new posts automatically from where I am looking at my images in Lightroom! Holy Crap! Some of you won't know what that means but essentially it means - Grumblehog will live on! I will start blogging again.



I have to say, I do love me some hipstamatic app. The border really makes it. And, on an evening when you haven't shot anything and there's a sliver of nice light coming into the stairwell, it can take a very lovely portrait.


Quick Reflexes

Mushroom can only tolerate so much petting and only of certain types by certain people when he is in a certain mood. Here he is putting J in his place.



Our next door neighbor's cat is named Flowerpot. He is a Maine Coon and our Fergus is in love with him. Flowerpot patrols our house and yard multiple times a day and Fergus can't help but moon over him through the window.



Saw these lovely apples at the Farmer's Market. We had a nice afternoon. We revisited the Noble Fir for the second time to grab a beer and extend the weekend. I think we should make it a Sunday afternoon tradition.



It's my 33rd birthday today and I was (briefly, minorly) feeling a bit old so I decided to take my self-portrait.




Work in Progress

We're getting somewhere...slowly...but I am not a quitter.



I've been lacking inspiration lately. Although saying that doesn't even really come close. I have hardly been shooting and what I have been is just quick random snaps during my days. I don't feel like an artist any more. I feel like crap. I am not saying this to get anyone to argue to the contrary...I am just stating how I feel. I don't expect to always feel this way but writing about it right now is truthful and honest about what I am going through at the moment. It's not terrible. I have faith that I will be inspired again someday, the lightbulb will go off again, someday. Meanwhile, there is Fergus in my houseplant trying to get my attention by being naughty.


It's Not Art

But this blog is mostly a journal anyways... Here is Mushroom showing his disdain for my plan to toilet train them. At the moment, Fergus is doing well except that he kicks ALL, and I mean ALL of the cat litter out of the tray and onto the floor every single time which means I have to sweep the bathroom about 8 times a day. Mushroom, classy and dignified, would never kick litter anywhere...in fact he hardly touches it. He paws discreetly, and just for effect, on the toilet lid so his paws don't get dirty. He seems to like peeing in the toilet but at the moment he is pooping...well....elsewhere. I have devised a brilliant plan to break him which means that I have to get up 2-3 times a night to supervise a cat pooping. No, I am not kidding. And no, I am NOT QUITTING.



See previous entries about not giving a s&$% and being total crap. I took five shots today: two were J being grumpy (one out of focus) and two were of the Grumpy Toast (one out of focus), all shot on my phone. That's where I am right now. Must push through...



The last thing I do before bed. The only two shots I took today. I hope that the rule keeps me going until I can do it because I want to again. I hope when I look back at these entries from this March they won't all sound too somber and depressing. Things are all ok life-wise...I just can't be creative right now.



We moved the old couch (Fergus' couch) into my office and now he loves sitting on it and looking out the window. He is very sweet aside from the fact that he destroyed this couch.


Clae's Shirt



Finally a day worth opening up the windows and bringing in fresh air after a long winter.

Paper Bag











I am picking up Truman again for the second time. I do enjoy it and once I start reading I become fascinated. But it is so big that I read about 300 pages and then quit for months (or years). Goodreads is constantly nagging me about it though, with messages like "It's been 439 days since you started reading Truman so what the hell have you been doing, huh!?!" I'd like to get Goodreads off my back.




Camera Phone Fun

I had a rough morning. I received my first negative "insinuation" about my tattoo...and from someone I wasn't expecting it from. And a not-too-subtle dig at me being nothing but a "dreamer"...that word being used with more derision than I've ever heard. But, f&*% that, I am over it! I went to Besalu on my way home to try to cheer myself up. It didn't work but it was at least tasty. I shot this with the RetroCam app on my android phone. It's no hipstamatic but it's pretty cool. I can't decide which version I like the best. I have to admit, I really like having a halfway decent camera phone and app to play with. It's come in very handy lately so you'll see a lot more from it most likely.