New Year's
This must have been J's first trip to my parents' house. Apparently, this was a crazy New Year's Eve we had that year...
This must have been J's first trip to my parents' house. Apparently, this was a crazy New Year's Eve we had that year...
Shasta was with me this night, on this bridge, under the Eiffel Tower. I remember that I fell while holding the camera and was proud of myself that I managed to sacrifice myself to keep the camera safely in the air.
I didn't have any idea what I was doing when I took this photograph. I remember the night incredibly clearly. J was with me, I used my mini travel tripod and set up the camera on a stone pillar. It was chilly.
This is one of two photographs that, more than any others, really began to convince me that this was what I wanted to do with my life. I spent one of the best afternoons of my life wandering around the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris and came home with this haunting photo that still, every time I look at it, pierces me to the core somehow. It began a life-long fascination with gorgeous cemeteries. I don't know why this isn't framed and hanging in my home...perhaps I should go home and remedy that one day. I would also like to go back to Paris, search the cemetery, and see if I can't find it again even though I know that would be nearly impossible. Does anyone want to come with me?
I have decided that in the interests of rounding out my "photo a day" project...I'd like to fill in as many days as possible...even long before I was doing the project or even photographing on a regular basis.
I took this in Paris, sometime in the last week in August, 2001. It was shot on slide film. I have this framed and it used to hang in my house. There may also be one or two other copies of it out there in the world floating around.
More and more old posts will be coming as I attempt to have a photographic record of what I was doing on as many days as possible (especially helpful as my memory fails more and more!).
On June 23rd, 2001 our very good friends Brian and Dana got married. At the time, they were really only J's very good friends. I was fairly new to the gang and this was my first big introduction as "the girlfriend". I was so nervous to meet J's friends that I pretty much made a horrible impression. Also, back in those days, I didn't want to be seen with my "big camera" because for some reason I was embarrassed (?!?!) so I didn't take it and therefore have no photographs from their wedding day. I wish I had them now because, come on, look how young we all are!?! But I also didn't know I would still be around as "the girlfriend" 8 years later and that we would all have attended each others' weddings by then.
This is one of my all-time favorite photographs of me and J together. It's not the best photo of J but it's the only time I've seen him in a tux, and, let's be honest, I look freaking great in this picture. I love my hair in this picture, I love my completely wrinkle-free face, and my "bemused tolerance" smile.
And now one where I don't look so good, but J does:
And now (almost) the whole gang:
from left to right: Spoons, Some Guy I don't know, Stefan, Andrea, Gordon, J, Me, Al, Kathy, and Liz. Spoons and Kathy are now married and both PhDs, Stefan is married with a baby on the way, Me and J are married, and Liz is married with her second baby on the way.